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As per our schedule there are no Glengarry SC on:
Friday, November 25, 2022
Saturday, November 26, 2022

Best wishes to all of our skaters who are competing at the 2022 Okanagan Interclub competition this weekend in West Kelowna.



Registration is now open for the following competition:
2023 Okanagan Regional Championships 
January 27-29, 2023
Kal Tire Place; Vernon, BC

Registration closes on:
Friday, December 9, 2022
Below is the link to the competition website which contains all of the relevant information:

Events available for registration:
Singles; PreJuvenile, Juvenile, PreNovice Short, PreNovice Free, Novice Short, Novice Free
Freeskate; Star 1 - Gold
Artistic; Star 5 - Gold
Creative Improv 1 - 4
Elements; Star 2 - Gold
Showcase (Individual & Group); 1 - 4
Synchro; Star 3 - 4
Level 1-6
Freeskate; Intro Open - Gold
Artistic; Intro - Gold

Music for all skaters Star 2+ is to be submitted as an .mp3 file during the registration process.
Planned Program information for Freeskate, Artistic, Adult, and Pathway events Star5 & higher is due at the time of registration. 

This competition is part of the GSC Competition Program.  After you have registered, please remember to go onto the GSC website and register for the GSC Competition Program. 

We hope to see you all registered for this competition.  We have had a great time participating in the other events held so far this year, and BC/YT is back to full swing with all on-site participation.  It's wonderful to see everyone again and their smiles.  We encourage ALL skaters at Star1 & higher to register and participate in this competition.  Have a look at your skater entering both the Freeskate (program) event and also the Elements event to get out there more!

If you are unsure which event(s) to register your skater for, or would like to discuss your skater attending, please speak with me.
Trevor Buttenham - GSC Head Coach - 250-486-0244


Registration is now open for the following competition:
2022 BC/YT Synchro & Adult Skating Competition
December 10, 2022
South Surrey Arena; Surrey, BC
Registration closes on:
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Below is the link to the competition website which contains all of the relevant information:
Events available for registration:
Freeskate; Intro Open - Masters Elite
Artistic; Intro - Elite
Artistic Partner; Intro - Masters
Partner Dance; Star4 - Elite
Solo Dance; Star4 - Rhythm
Partner Free Dance; Bronze - Gold
Pair; Intro - Masters
Showcase; Intro - Elite
Music for all skaters is to be submitted as an .mp3 file during the registration process.
Planned Program information for is due by December 4, 2022.
If you are unsure which event(s) to register for, or would like to discuss attending, please speak with Mr B.


Our STAR 4 Sponsors:        
"We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development."   


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